These last months were marked by difficulties on the ground certainly, but also by many successes.
A real takeoff has taken place for the activities of our association.

New sponsorship since summer 2019, Djeff
After a very first fundraising evening in October 2017, we were able to gather financial resources to carry out our actions in the field in 2018, including managing the school and health care costs of the orphaned children and teenagers we accompany, with better visibility and better anticipation.
What have been the main actions carried out, thanks to your donations, since these last months:
- Regularization and sustainability of health and schooling expenses
The first priority is to pay, on a quarterly and regular basis, the health and school fees, for all the children we take care of. This reassures children and teenagers, and encourages them to work well. The school results for the year 2018-2019 are generally positive, given the results of their June newsletters.
- The strengthening of the local team was also a work that bore fruit in 2019 (see article elsewhere).
- Setting up individual sponsorships
Another component is the personalized sponsorship of a child. From 2019, thanks to the generosity of Belgian families, two of our orphans, Isaac and Daniel, are fully sponsored for their tuition and health care. Since this summer of 2019, we have decided to take in charge a new child, Djeff, for whom we also hope for a sponsorship. Contact us if you are interested !